Large Terrestrial Model

Making real-time satellite imagery more personalised, contextualised and actionable using our patent.

A Large Terrestrial Model (LTM) is a comprehensive data source of all terrestrial features, activity, status and behaviours. It includes all sea and terrain viewed through all spectra, the built environment and its associated digital performance characteristics, and all viewable living entities and their associated correlated meta data (sourced through IoT).

The LTM is the base data source from which HPC/quantum processing can perform a wide range of analytical tasks that can derive patterns and predictability, and contextualise the Earth and all its activity.

The LTM is the origin data set from which a global live digital twin can be created.

To find out more about Space Aye’s unique patented technology, which enables the creation of this new ‘Large Terrestrial Model’ data-set, just click below: